Assyriological Digital Prosopography Group: ACAWAI-CS project presentation

How to sort all these names & people who survive in the cuneiform record of ancient Western Asia? And what solutions does the ‘digital age’ provide for this challenge? The Digital Prosopograpy* Group tries to find answers and develop sustainable strategies to do that. ACAWAI-CS needs to deal with the dense network created by the people who owned and used cylinder seals. We thank Caroline Waerzeggers from Prosobab for inviting us (Nathan Morello and Elisa Roßberger) to participate in the discussion and to present our work. We gained many important insights from the collected wisdom present in this group of experts!

* btw: “Prosopography is Greek for Facebook” (Lawrence/Bodard 2015: DOI: 10.1145/2786451.2786496 )

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